August 2017 Meeting
The LiveWell Kershaw Coalition reconvened for a session to redirect focus and renew energy surrounding Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas, an initiative of The Duke Endowment following the hire of Coalition Director, Kathryn Johnson. The group had a productive meeting on Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 at the Kershaw County School District. During the meeting, Ms. Johnson provided the group with information regarding the final evaluation of the North Central initiative and an overview of the resources and tools that will be provided through the new initiative. The group also participated in an activity to examine what resources are currently available to the coalition and also determine what areas of population health in Kershaw County need improvement. The group will reconvene in September to determine what their priorities will be based on data collected in the 2017 Kershaw County Community Health Needs Assessment.
(L to R): Amy Peebles, Michael Conley, Pam Spivey, Donny Supplee, and Julie Trott