July 10, 2012
Back on July 10, 2012, roughly 60 people gathered to discuss the state of population health and wellness in Kershaw County, South Carolina, working from the notion that living well starts with good health across the community.
Those 60 visionaries brainstormed, collaborated, and completed a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for KershawHealth. They wanted to do more than simply check a box in completing the CHNA; they wanted to take meaningful actions driven by quantitative and qualitative data to make a lasting impact on health equity, health outcomes, and total population wellness in our area.
The result of this monumental meeting of minds was the LiveWell Kershaw Coalition, an initiative led by the Community Medical Clinic of Kershaw County and funded through The Duke Endowment’s Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas initiative and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement as a SCALE 2.0 Community . The purpose in founding LWK was to use data to guide action aimed at addressing the health issues faced by the residents of Kershaw County.