What is the goal?
Increase healthy lifestyles among families* countywide in order to decrease the obesity epidemic.
*Families include ALL adults, children and elderly (everyone).
Sign up for the H.E.A.L. Team
What are the barriers?
Kershaw County is the 6th -“fattest” county in South Carolina. Some of the barriers to residents being at a healthy weight include:
Lack of education on how to be healthy
Not enough safe and convenient places to exercise, especially in rural areas
Not enough grocery stores with fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthful whole foods
Solutions & Initiatives
The CHIP Healthy Eating, Active Living Action Team is working to help
Kershaw County “slim down” by:
Coordinating with Eat Smart, Move More Kershaw County to help local churches implement Faith, Activity and Nutrition (FAN)—an evidence-based program designed to help churches create a healthy church environment that supports healthy eating and physical activity
Partnering with the Kershaw County School District to promote the 5-2-1-0 campaign designed to educate students and their families to eat 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, limit their leisure “screen time” to 2 hours a day, get 1 hour of physical activity daily and drink 0 sugar-sweetened beverages.
Working with public and private agencies, businesses and organizations to create outdoor fitness parks and fitness circuits that provide safe and convenient places for residents to exercise.
The CHIP HEAL Team is working towards Increase healthy lifestyles among families countywide in order to decrease the obesity epidemic. This action team is helping Kershaw County “slim down” by:
- Coordinating with Eat Smart, Move More Kershaw County to help local churches implement Faith, Activity and Nutrition (FAN)—an evidence-based program designed to help churches create a healthy church environment that supports healthy eating and physical activity
- Partnering with the Kershaw County School District to promote the 5-2-1-0 campaign designed to educate students and their families to eat 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, limit their leisure “screen time” to 2 hours a day, get 1 hour of physical activity daily and drink 0 sugar-sweetened beverages.
- Working with public and private agencies, businesses, and organizations to create outdoor fitness parks and fitness circuits that provide safe and convenient places for residents to exercise.
Helping Residents Find Care & Support in Kershaw County
Use our database to find a doctor, support group and more.